Tuesday, August 7, 2012


The Little Mute Boy

by Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca
translated by W. S. Merwin

The little boy was looking for his voice.
(The king of the crickets had it.)
In a drop of water
the little boy was looking for his voice.

I do not want it for speaking with;
I will make a ring of it
so that he may wear my silence
on his little finger

In a drop of water
the little boy was looking for his voice.

(The captive voice, far away,
put on a cricket's clothes.)

This is the poem that inspired the name of my blog. Beautiful.
It is quite amazing and peaceful to look back at how far we have come.

I am happy to report, that very soon, my nine year old Liam will be starting to learn his 3rd language. Words cannot express how proud I am of you Liam. To be told you would never speak, and to be on your 3rd language by age 9. You. are. fearless.

and determined
and unstoppable
and magical
and and and .....

His language learning has gone like this..
American Sign Language 1st
Spoken English 2nd
Japanese 3rd!
You should hear him say Kunichiwa...! BEAUTIFUL!
Both my sons were blessed enough to get into this absolutely amazing Japanese Immersion Program-a FREE PUBLIC SCHOOL. Thank you, progressive Oregon! They will be in this program from now until 12th grade thankyouverymuch, because unfortunately due to an extremely nasty divorce, ugg, they have bounced around from school to school. It will be nice to put some roots down and I have to say, kudos to me for picking the community I did. Because it is FANTASTIC.

I will be posting soon on our upcoming experience with hippotherapy and an issue we have recently had with discrimination. And hey, maybe I will even throw in some pictures from our wonderful summer. So if anyone is reading this holler at me and remind me to meet my once a week goal! youwroteme@gmail.com